Once you have registered as an organiser and have your login credentials you can login to system.virtualmarshal.com and start creating your first event. You can try system at no cost by creating small events with not more than five points including start and end.
To create an event choose “Create Event” from console menu. To proceed further you need to provide following inputs:
- Charges
- Event Name
- Event date
- Start time
- Event logo
- Start location
- Maximum duration
- Start Type
- Admin approval
- Units
- Speed limit
- Overspeed block
- Overspeed penalty
- Penalty per missed checkpoint
- Category
- Group
- Class
- Event description
Charges: Select if you are creating a free event or you will be using purchased credits (Free / Use Credits)
Start Type: There are two options to start the timer. One is when you press “Start” button on app and the other is when you exit the start area. (Pressing start button / Exiting start circle)